HOSTILE TAKEOVER … My next suspense/thriller

I have submitted my next novel into the publication process and expect it to be on the market by May, assuming I don’t run into any problems. I am always amazed at how long it takes to move a manuscript through publication. But this time I can cut some corners. I first presented Hostile Takeover for publication in 2012, but then held off publishing it after discussions with my editor. She suggested that I publish Unrelenting Nightmare instead, which I did in late 2013. Further discussions followed in 2014, and once again she suggested that I publish Without You in order to offer readers another side of my writing abilities.

Fortunately, Hostile Takeover has already gone through many of the steps required in publishing, so I only have a few more things to do: designing the cover, writing the flap cover text, reviewing the final printed copy, things like that. It shouldn’t take that long, but you never know. I will release another blog when the book is available.

Interesting note: I first wrote Hostile Takeover in 2004, and over the next few years two of the unique issues I created in the story came true. The biggest impact was in 2008 when Obama was elected president. I had created a situation of the first African-American running for president. The other issue was the escalating price of gasoline and its effect on our economy. Both were factors that weighed heavily on my story and required major editing. Oh well, the plight of an author who dilly-dallies in publishing his work.

If you like suspense novels, I hope you will consider reading Hostile Takeover.

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