HOSTILE TAKEOVER is finally ready!


It took some effort, but I managed to get through the production process without too much trouble. The first copy of the book will be sent to me within a week for final review. Once I give my OK, Hostile Takeover will be released.

Here is a synopsis of the story:

Jason Chappell, a young engineer who has designed a revolutionary electric car that could save America, which is tittering on the edge of economic collapse as OPEC inflates the price of crude oil beyond comprehension. However, Ethan Gantry, the infamous King of Takeovers and a billionaire many times over, desperately wants Jason’s company. Gantry also harbors ideas of owning the next President of the United States in order to help inflate his substantial wealth and is willing to do whatever it takes to attain both a president and Jason’s company. The presidential hopeful is in full agreement with Gantry’s requirements for financial support to attain the oval office. Jason, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with Gantry and fights the mega mogul for his company − and his life.

I will update my website,, and include Hostile Takeover in my list of novels. All my novels can be purchased directly from my website, or by visiting, Barnes & Noble, and other book retailers. All the novels come in hardcover, softcover and eBook formats. However, being a new release Hostile Takeover may take a number of weeks before some retailers have access to all formats of it.

If you do purchase a copy of Hostile Takeover, or any of my other novels, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

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